Wednesday, January 19, 2011

OZONE? Second part.

The amount of O3 varies with solar radiation depending on the place of the world where one is found, the altitude and the season is measured.

The famous "hole in the ozone layer" problem is that scientists have identified variations in the amount of ozone beyond natural changes and which have their origin in the activity of man since more than 50 years ago began to use some chemicals that destroy the ozone and being the shield we were talking about is weakening.

The main chemicals that affect the ozone layer are: CFCs are chlorofluorocarbons used as refrigerants, solvents, foaming agents and some things. Other compounds that affect the ozone layer to contain chlorine (Cl) are methyl chloroform (solvent) and tetrachloride carbon (chemical industrialist). On the other hand there are substances that affect the ozone to contain bromine (Br). Among these, the most common are halons, used to extinguish the fire.

These substances are very stable are dispersed by wind and reach the stratosphere (where the ozone layer). While that these molecules not break happens nothing but when they meet with UV rays are starting and there begins the problem. From they release chlorine (Cl) or bromine (Br) and these are the ozone-destroying.

There are other sources that contain chlorine and bromine (swimming pools, volcanoes, sea, various industrial processes) but they do not reach the stratosphere combined with water and fall in the form of rain.

Some agencies marine and large fires can generate chlorine that reaches our ozone but are responsible for only 15% of the generated chlorine. The rest is the work of man.

Chlorine and bromine break the molecules of O3 and while it continues to produce ozone naturally in the stratosphere, is more the amount destroying that which it is built. And this is how we are losing this powerful shield that protects us from UV-B rays (less amount of ozone protection).

Imagine a chlorine atom can destroy nearly 100,000 ozone molecules!!!!
But surely you've heard of the hole ozone. He is known by that name to the sector in which thinning the layer is greater: Antarctica.

If we take into account that for each 1% less than ozone there is 2% more impact on the Earth's surface UV-B rays, we realize that the problem is very serious.

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