Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Planet is in Danger - Alternative Energy is Our Only Choice

When we talk about Alternative Energy, we are referring to alternatives to Fossil Fuels. Ideally Alternative Energy Sources would be renewable for an indefinite time. The Environment is being constantly damaged by the use of Fossil Fuels and the future harm, which includes the massive increase in Greenhouse Gasses, is something we all need to be made aware of. Alternative Energy Sources would not harm the environment in any way, making them safer for the Planet, and making a much, much cleaner option.

Alternative Energy would be self sustaining, never run out, never become expensive and be readily available for everyone. It is only a matter of time before the large Energy Companies adopt a more environmentally friendly position and actively become involved in the search for Alternative Energy Sources.

The options being examined today are Wind Power, Solar Power, Water Power, Biomass Power, Geothermal Power and even Tidal Power. Whilst some of theses options have a visible impact on the environment, the overall impact is a negative one as there will be no damage to the environment.

Many of these options have been used, on small scales, for many years. Wind Power in Holland to drive Windmills. Water Power to drive Water Mills to produce such things as flour, and more.

Today we are used to seeing Solar Power panels taking light from the sun and converting it into energy that will heat our houses, produce hot water and more. Solar Power is also used in places such as swimming pools. This Alternative Energy source is harnessed by covers over the pool that collect the light, convert it and help keep the water warm.

In many parts of the world Geothermal Energy is is used to heat homes. In Greenland most homes are heated by Geothermal Power. Though most Geothermal sites are located near Volcanic regions, some are not. This Alternative Energy source is totally renewable and cheap to produce.

Another source is Tidal Power. I use this title to cover Tides, Rivers and Dams. Dams have a one-way system. Water is, basically, stored behind its huge walls and allowed to run through its systems driving huge turbines that produce massive amounts of renewable electricity we all use daily. Tidal Power is mostly two-way. Building a Dam across a River or Estuary, turbines or dynamos are built into the design. They produce power when the tide goes out, and produces power when the tide comes in. There is a lack of power production at both bottom and top tides , called slack tide , but this Alternative Energy Source is already in successful use in many Countries around the World, and a proposed Severn Estuary Barrier is soon to be built near my home in Barry in South Wales UK., producing enough Alternative Energy to power a city entirely, day in - day out, forever whilst the tides run.

These are just a few of the many sources being examined today. All these Alternative Energy options must be looked at and perfected and put into use very, very shortly or we will do, if we haven't already done, irreparable damage to the Environment. I do wonder what my children, and their children, will think of us in the near-future. Will they curse us or bless us? Its up to us. Its up to us today.

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