An endangered species is a population of organisms that is at risk of extinction, so when we talk about animal and plant species. This critical situation can be achieved for various reasons: very low number of specimens, threats by environmental changes or predation.
It is necessary to clarify that extinction is also a natural mechanism that comes from thousands of millions of years ago. But we must recognize that in recent times, the impact of human activity on climate, ecosystems and numerous practices harmful against a large number of species have pushed many animals on the brink of extinction.
The situation is indeed worrying. The International Union for the conservation of nature (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered species as 40% percent of all organisms (estimated on the basis of the sample of species that have been evaluated through 2006).
For some of these species, Governments and international agencies provide protection in an effort to achieve the conservation. This is done, for example, forbidding hunting and traffic, with the creation of reserves or funding breeding programs.
But unfortunately only a few of the many species threatened with extinction which are covered in these programmes. Many more are the species that are extinct, or potentially become extinct with the passage of time, without increasing public attention.
The State of conservation of the species is a cataloging that tells us the probability that the endangered species become extinct. Many factors are taken into account when assessing the conservation status of a species, not just the remaining number of specimens. Other highlights are the increase or decrease in the population through time, the pups survival rates, and threats to conservation.
Based on these criteria, has drawn up a Red list of threatened species. It catalogues the species into different categories. Let's see what are they and some examples of endangered animals.
Extinct : species completely disappeared. Examples: monk of the Caribbean, Tiger of Java or Macropus greyi (an Australian wallaby), all of which are extinct in the 20th century.Extinguido in nature: only surviving individuals in captivity, but there is no wildlife. Examples: Raven Hawaino, Wyoming Toad, Spix macaw.Critically endangered : faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the near future. Examples: Gorilla mountain, Iberian lynx, Ethiopian wolf, Bactrian camel, rhinoceros in Sumatra, Java, Philippine Eagle, orangutan, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and many other more-endangered : faces a high risk of extinction in the near future. Examples: blue whale, Asian elephant, Giant Panda, Malayan Tapir, Tiger, Asian Lion, Borneo Orangutan, Grevy, gorillas, African Penguin Zebra, Goliat frog. And the list continues and continues.Vulnerable : faces a high risk of extinction in the medium term. Examples: the African elephant, Lion, sloth bear, polar bear, Indian Rhinoceros, Komodo dragon, great white shark, hippopotamus, Chuck.Here also the list is worryingly long.Near threatened: may be considered threatened in the near future. Examples: American bison, Leopard, Jaguar, shark Tiger, white rhinoceros, Magellanic Penguin.Least concern : no immediate threat to the survival of the species.
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