The Agency seeks with this that the world's population takes consciousness about the importance of increasing sustainable access of the energy renewable in local, regional and global level.
To that, we mean when we talk about sustainable energy?. The "sustainable energy" is that energy is produced and used in such a way that promotes long-term human development in the social, economic and ecological field.
The lack of access to clean energy is a real obstacle to the achievement of the Millennium development goalsthere that by 2012 the United Nations should focus on this issue and the possibilities that gives us renewable energy to correct it.
Graficando this problem in figures can say that between 1400 and 1500 million people (about a world population of 7000 million) lack access to modern energy . While other 3 billion people depend on for the " traditionalbiomass " and coal as the main sources of energy. And as if this were little, another amount of millions of poor people cannot afford these energy services even if they are available.
Vale highlight that it is necessary to bring to reality the equation to comply with the real set objectives of The Millennium Development energy + sustainable development..
To this end, it is necessary to develop access to this energy modern, more economical and less polluting the world's poorest people.
To achieve this objective is essential then investment of technological resources to generate cleaner energy and at the same time improve the access of these new energy services to the community as a whole.
To ensure compliance with the "Millennium development goals" should be accompanied by national and international policies that encourage the use of new sources of renewable energy and low emission of greenhouse gases.
To the growing demand for energy worldwide is needed then the promotion of the development and dissemination of appropriate, affordable and sustainable energy technologies, as well as if necessary the transfer of technologies from advanced countries in developing countries.
That is why then that with the initiative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, ONU-EnergĂa, and a group of 20 United Nationsagencies coordination, they prepare the launch of a new proposal at the global level called Sustainable energy for all.
This play includes involving members of Governments, the private sector and civil associations around the world in order to achieve three specific targets for 2030. The main objectives are:
Ensure universal access to modern energy services. The more synthetic definition of 'access to energy' is the physical availability of modern energy services to meet basic human needs, at affordable costs. These energy services must be reliable, sustainable and, if possible, product of renewable energy or other energy sources with low carbon emissions. Reduce global energy intensity by 40%. Increase the use of renewable energy at the global level to 30 per cent.Learn more about renewable energy
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