Sunday, August 26, 2012

Environmental Management

 Then, define the Environmental management as the set of measures that seeks to articulate the "How should be done" in order to achieve the objective of a Sustainable development of a community or a given territory.

This set of actions should be applied in a given area, focusing not only on the implementation of various laws and legal actions, but also giving the framework to the tasks which must be carried out, contemplating is then as follows:

Environmental policy: concerning the address public or private Environmental Affairs International, regional, national and local. It is often subject of debate every year with the budget of various government entities, applied to the care of the environment and ecology.Zoning: includes the distribution of the use of the territory considering the characteristics of the same, not only physical but also considering the resources and populations which it possesses. 

Environmental impact assessment: whereas the actions that seek to estimate the effects which will be the establishment of various projects, plans or programmes which are implemented on a given territory, taking into account their influence on the environment.Wildlife: study and seeks to implement conservative measures towards the Living beings that inhabited a specific area, looking primarily for the conservation of the biodiversityenvironmental education: on propaganda and measures of awareness that carried the man to care for and preserve their Biophysical environment, which leads to greater efficiency in the treatment of Environmental problems.Landscape: not only is the care of natural resources, but also of all the biotic, esthetic and cultural factors relating to the exploitation of them.

Without delve much into details about it, there are so many measures such as issues relating to the problem of Environmental management, whereas a specific treatment for each pollutant, and thus, countless measures carried out, although they are always based on the following General practices:

Waste management: measures which aim mainly to the recycling, reuse and reduction of waste.Mitigation: whereas mainly to issues of Climate change and other damage to the environmentprevention: implementation of measures seeking to reduce pollution and all the actions that lead to a destruction of the environment.

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