What is alternative energy?
Alternative energy refers to energy sources from sources other than fossil fuels, viz, coal, oil and natural gas. Sometimes is also called alternative renewable energy now that almost all of them can be generated from renewable sources as opposed to non-renewable fossil fuels and not be can replenish once consumed.
Types of alternative energy and its sources
There are several types in the world. Most common and popular along with their sources are:
1 Solar energy-Sun ray;
2 Wind power - wind;
3 Wave energy - waves;
4 Bio-energy-biogas or Bio-diesel;
5. Geothermal energy underground;
6 Tidal energética-altas and low tides.
Why alternative energy?
Massive use of energy derived from fossil fuels during the entire second severely half of the 20th century has endangered the environment. Million tonnes of carbon-di-oxide-a greenhouse gas, discharged to the environment through the burning of fossil fuels are causing global warming to trap solar heat on the Earth's surface. Increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface to climate change is a matter of concern not only environmentalists but also to all the Governments of the world. Due to the increase in temperature, sea level rise and flooding a very large portion of the areas coastal causing massive devastation from coastal areas generally are highly populated. Melting the polar ice caps and glaciers due to the rise in temperature on the surface of the Earth will cause flooding of rivers and their watersheds in first instance and the drying up of rivers since then with the consequent economic disaster. Million hectares of fertile land will become a sterile. To combat this devastation resulting due to climate change world leaders are emphasizing the use of alternative energies. Use of alternative energy will reduce dependence on fossil fuels and therefore reduce the generation of di-oxide of carbon. As a result the possibility of devastation due to global warming will be reduced to a minimum.
In addition, fossil fuel non-renewable that exhausted today or tomorrow. So people are thinking about renewable energy sources to sustain the growth and development.
Benefits of alternative energy
1 Friendly environment, helps to reduce global warming.
2 It is renewable.Their sources are not exhaustible.
3 Helps reduce geopolitical tensions arising outside due to the availability of fossil fuels only in countries limited on the other hand, each country is endowed with some sort of alternative energy sources.
Despite several production still of technological progress, the cost is very high that restricts its use. To date alternative energy consumption has not reached the desired level.
Energy alternatives is the energy of the future. Scientists from around the world must increase their greatest technological breakthrough research to make it available in affordable alternative energy enough.
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