Could a fundamental force that the majority of scientists think is fully understood, really be the key to unlocking reactionless thrust and perhaps free energy?
by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News
(A note to the cynics: I'm not a physicist, and I do not claim to be. The following is my understanding of centrifugal force, and my opinions. If you don't like them, you don't have to read them.)
Over the past several years, I've read about all kinds of alleged ways to produce reactionless force, and "free energy." There are all sorts of theories out there. Some of them are probably close to reality, and some of them are pretty outrageous -- of course some of the most crazy sounding theories might surprise us! However, I've came across a very simple theory about how to produce free energy and reactionless thrust, that has caught my attention like no other.
The basic idea of the theory can be stated in one sentence. "Take advantage of centrifugal force and put it to work, instead of wasting it." Of course the problem is that most mainstream scientists don't think centrifugal force is real. They think it is a fictitious force that does not really exist.
Before we go into why centrifugal force is indeed real -- or why at least it seems to be real to me -- the concept of centrifugal force needs to be explained.
First, imagine a merry go round, the kind you used to play on as a kid. I used to play on one in a local park, before they removed it and replaced it with a bunch of "safer" playground equipment made of plastic. When you spin up the merry go round, you can jump on it, grab one of the bars, and feel a force pulling you outwards towards the edge. If someone on the outside is still pushing the merry go round, the faster they get it spinning the more force you will feel.
So what is happening in the above situation? The bar you are holding onto is producing a centripetal force, or inward seeking force that is preventing your body from flying off the merry go round. For every force there is an equal and opposite force (Newtons third law), and the reaction force to centripetal force in this case is the centrifugal force. If the merry go round spins fast enough, and you can no longer hold on, you are thrown off by the centrifugal force. If the centripetal vector of the merry go round is not large enough (e.g. the merry go round is no built sturdy enough), then you can fly off because of the lack of adequate centripetal counteracting force.
Another good example of centrifugal force is a blender. When you turn it on, the walls of the blender produce a centripetal force that stops the milkshake from escaping. The equal and opposite reaction force is a centrifugal force that pushes the liquid against the glass. The faster the blender spins, the higher the milkshake will climb up the wall of the container.
If you talk to many physicists about the above examples, they will say that centrifugal force is not real. They will also get into discussions about "frames of reference", and may claim that centrifugal force is only real in the reference frame of the spinning objects. However, I personally think they are full of bunk, and that centrifugal force is very real, and not just in one particular reference frame.
The following is a simple experiment that in my opinion proves centrifugal force is real. Take a length of pipe, and run a rope through it. Put a weight on each end of the rope. Start swinging one end of the rope around and around. The centrifugal force produced, in response to the centripetal force of the rope, will start pulling the bottom weight upwards, performing work.
The cynics will say that the above experiment does not prove centrifugal force is real, because the moment you cut the rope the weight would not go in a strait line, but continue in the direction it was moving. They try to say that since the centrifugal force is not active on the object after the rope is cut, it does not exist. However, they deny the fact that THE ROPE WAS CUT. When you cut the rope, there is no more centripetal force pulling inward. Without the centripetal force, there can be no centrifugal force produced!
Putting Centrifugal Force to Work
So now that we have an understanding of centripetal and centrifugal force, lets talk about how we can put centrifugal force to work.
There are probably lots of ways to do this (I can think of a few off the top of my head), but I am not at liberty to reveal them all -- do to confidentiality agreements. However, the basic concept of how others and myself think it is possible to extract potentially free energy and reactionless force from centrifugal force is simple. The engineering may be a bit more complicated.
Imagine a rotor with one long arm that is perfectly balanced, with an equal weight on both sides. If you spin it up, it will run smoothly. The centrifugal forces on each side (180 degrees apart) are equal. If you happened to increase the weight on one side of the rotor arm but not the other, the system would shake itself apart at high speed. An imbalance of centrifugal force (and inadequate counteracting centripetal force) would have destroyed the device!
Of course the imbalance of centrifugal force does us no good, because it is not vectored in one direction. Instead, the imbalance of centrifugal force spins around and around. At one moment it is producing a force in the twelve o'clock position, and the next moment at one o'clock, the next moment at two o'clock, and all the way around the clock. As we have already stated, this constantly changing vector of centrifugal force will tear up the system.
However, the key is to produce a system in which the centrifugal force is vectored only in one direction, or over a range of degrees. For example, a system in which there is greater centrifugal force over a certain limited range of degrees, than the rest of the rotation. If such a device was placed on a platform free to move in any direction, the vectored centrifugal force would produce a net movement in one direction. In an ideal system, in which a net centrifugal force only existed in a certain range of degrees, and no net centrifugal force existed for the rest of the rotation, there would probably be little wobbling. A very smooth thrust in one direction would be the result.
You are now probably thinking, "This is too simple. How does this guy know such a system would work?" The fact is centrifugal force produces reactionless thrust (up and down) every day, all over the world. All you need is a vehicle that has an imbalanced tire.
If you do not already know, it is important to balance your tires. If they are not balanced, your wheels can hop up and down. This phenomena can cause massive damage to your car. It's called tire hop or tire tramp. This is the result of the mass of your tires not being perfectly distributed. If there is even an ounce or so of extra mass on one of your tires, it will produce an imbalance of centrifugal force.
Every time the extra mass rotates to the twelve o'clock position, there will be a reactionless thrust upwards. This can lift your tire off the ground, even if you have very tight suspension. When the extra mass rotates to the six o'clock position, the reactionless thrust will slam it downwards. If you don't believe this takes place, look up the training materials of tire shops. There are plenty of references to this phenomenon. To eliminate it, they have machines that can determine exactly where an additional weight needs to be added to the wheel. Once this extra weight is added, the centrifugal force is balanced, and there is no more (or very little) reactionless thrust being produced.
The Free Energy Connection
What I have discovered while talking to various researchers, is that the centrifugal force is allegedly "free", and disconnected from the input power that is required to spin a wheel. So for example, if you had a device that produced a vector of centrifugal force in one direction and no centrifugal force in any other direction (an ideal setup which will probably be a challenge to produce), all you would have to do is input enough energy to spin it up to speed. Once you are at operating speed, then the only input you would have to keep adding is what would be required to overcome wind resistance, and bearing friction.
You could use the reactionless force to turn a generator to produce electricity, but it would not increase the power consumption of the device. According to the math of some experts that must remain nameless, the input power (to overcome bearing friction and air resistance) could be hundreds of times less than the output power.
The only big challenge is the engineering. There are some systems I am aware of that are very simple, and some that are very complex. It seems the more potential a system has, the greater the engineering challenges. This is because the methods of making sure the centrifugal force is only vectored in one direction are not always easy to implement. Nature is setup so centrifugal force can be harnessed, but so far I am not aware of any *optimal* systems that are super-simple to engineer.
There are also many variables that come into play when designing a system. For example, determining what kind of bearings can withstand tremendous radial forces, how to prevent sliding weights from being damaged, and of course working out all the math, which can be very complex!!
It's Been Done Before and Will Be Done Again
Centrifugal force has been harnessed in the past to produce free energy. If you look up the Richard Clem motor you will read about a setup that allegedly harnessed centrifugal force to power a car. Veljko Milkovic has built a two stage mechanical oscillator that takes advantage of centrifugal force, but is somewhat limited due to the fact it uses relatively slow oscillations. Then there is the Messias machine that was claimed to lift liquid upwards for free via centrifugal force. By collecting the power of the falling water the system allegedly could be closed looped. There are even more such devices that have been built in the past. You just have to look for them.
In modern times, other groups and individuals are coming up with proposed methods to produce reactionless force and free energy from centrifugal force. Some are even building prototypes. One such group can be read about, here. They propose using an external magnet to push rotor magnets closer to the axis of a spinning rotor, reducing the centrifugal force through a certain range of degrees. The result is a rotary system that has a centrifugal force that is not balanced, and should produce a reactionless thrust. Although the Google translation is not very good, their concept is sound according to those who have reviewed the idea.
Almost Unlimited Potential
If humanity eventually starts to build, produce, and commercialize devices that tap centrifugal force to produce free energy and reactionless thrust, the world will change, rapidly. Right now, it seems that one of the most fundamental forces we could engineer -- to use for all sorts of applications -- is not being developed as rapidly as it should be.
With these technologies, it could not only be possible to produce all the energy mankind needs to keep the power grid up and running, but also the propulsion needed to explore the solar system. In addition to mechanical methods of tapping into centrifugal force, there might also be solid state or electromagnetic ways of doing so. Perhaps UFOs are using technologies based on centrifugal force to power themselves, and fly through the sky. I would not doubt it if black budget projects are using centrifugal force technologies as we speak.
I urge those with the resources to do so to investigate centrifugal force, and how it can be used to produce free energy and reactionless thrust. The cost would be relatively low, and the payoff could be huge.
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