In the town of Mexico alone generated 12,500 tons of garbage a day, on average, 1.4 kg of waste per person. Most of these residues are natural resources we are wasting, as well as the huge grounds which must be to bury them.
Continue managing waste in the same way means that we prefer to deplete our natural resources and that we do not know or do not want to do different.
However, we cannot do much to prevent waste from becoming garbage. The first step in any action is separate. To not produce garbage just split it into organic (food and pruning residues) and inorganic (everything else).
Organic waste can make compost; and inorganic ones can be separated into recyclable, such as metal, glass, plastic and paper sent to recycling, and the rest, going so far to the landfill.
Choose a site of approximately one square metre that is protected from excessive exposure to the Sun, wind or rain.
1 It uses a compost, sort of maybe bottomless, approximately 60 x 60 x 80 cm height, manufactured
with tables of recycled plastic or simply wood of thickness 2 cm and 10 cm wide, placed
with a separation of 1.5 cm between each of them to allow the passage of air. It seeks to lower tables are removable.
2 Put the compost directly on the earth so the waste coming into contact with living beings that inhabit it. It can also be in the courtyard or on the roof directly on the floor.
4 Add catering waste (approximately which meets in a pot with lid in eight days) and to distribute them evenly. Chop waste, because the smaller are the pieces presented a greater contact area to moisture, air and bacteria, which accelerates the decomposition.
5 Cover perfectly the above leaves or dry grass and Earth, or only with land. Make sure that no food is exposed.
6 Sprays the content with a little water and keep slightly moist to aid decomposition.
7 Cover the compost and let stand until put together another bucketful of chopped organic waste and repeats the operation from point number 4.
To make the compost will appear gusanitos, bacteria, fungi, worms and other microorganisms that comply with a specific function of degradation. In 8 or 10 weeks you will get a black earth that is extracted by the lower door and be screened through a thick mesh.
The land that pass through the mesh contains high nutrients of excellent quality that can be used or sold as fertilizer.
What remained in the mesh becomes deposited in the compost to finish its decomposition.
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