The spoliation of eggs and chicks of birds of prey is undoubtedly a serious scourge against many threatened species.
This happens in the world, and in our country also alas. This has recently been demonstrated when it has been discovered and dismantled which is possibly the largest birds of Spain trafficnetwork.
Environmentalists such as SEO/BirdLife, WWF and ecologists in action organizations have recognized the good work carried out by the SEPRONA, service of protection of the nature of the Civil Guard. A major criminal network has been able to dismantle which in an operation.
In this regard, it should be noted that at least one of the suspects involved in this network of trafficking of birds was working on projects of the Junta de AndalucĂa. Agency that personará in the case along with the above mentioned environmental organizations who assume the role of the accusation in defence of the conservation of birds of prey plundered.
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